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MCPS Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC)The MCPS Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee (SECAC) advises the MCPS Office of Special Education. SECAC is comprised of parents/guardians, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff members, and representatives of Montgomery County community groups that advocate for students with special needs. The general public is welcome at all their meetings. During the school year, SECAC typically meets on the third Thursday of the month. You can find the agenda for upcoming meetings and notes from past meetings at the SECAC webpage. MCPS Board of Education Special Populations CommitteeIn 2017, the MCPS Board of Education made the Committee on Special Populations a standing committee of the Board. This committee focuses on how MCPS can best serve the educational needs of special needs populations, including students receiving special education programs, alternative programs, gifted and talented education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and students who need multilingual support in order to be successful in the classroom. Find the agenda for upcoming meetings as well as minutes from past meetings at the Committee on Special Populations webpage. Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations (MCCPTA), Special Education CommitteeThe MCCPTA Special Education Committee Advocates for families of students with special needs (e.g., students with IEPs and 504 Plans) by acting as a watchdog to ensure consistent provision of special education services and accommodations countywide. This committee also supports local PTA Special Education representatives, hosts quarterly speaker events, and organizes and hosts an annual Special Education Awards celebration to recognize students, parents, staff and programs for outstanding achievement supporting special needs students. The committee meets quarterly with the MCPS Associate Superintendent of Special Education. The Committee also holds meetings quarterly that are open to PTO/PTA members that are affiliated with a public school within MCPS. Co-Chairs in the school year 2022-23: Cara Fletcher and Alexis Rice |