xMinds events, resources and services are always FREE

xMinds Logo - xMinds in teal and dark blue where the X looks like a person with an orange head; followed by the words Partnership for Extraordinary MindsImproving education for autistic students in Montgomery County, MD

xMinds Monthly Discussion Groups and Meetup

Our online discussion groups provide a great opportunity to connect with other MoCo parents and guardians of autistic students. Each discussion group is geared toward a specific segment of our community, allowing families to chat about shared interests and concerns. Discussion groups offer a wonderful way to find resources, make connections, and share your successes.

For families with a younger child who want to connect in person, join us for our monthly meetup.

There's no cost to participate — all xMinds events are free! Discussion groups  and the meetup operate on a drop-in basis, so join us whenever you have a chance! New participants are always welcome. See our lineup below, and register where indicated to receive a Zoom link. 

Virtual Discussion Group Schedule

  • People of the Global Majority. For MoCo parents/guardians of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students. Meets the first Monday of every month, with adjustments for holidays, 7–7:45 p.m.  Register here.
  • Hablemos Educación Especial. For Spanish-speaking MoCo parents/guardians of an autistic child. Meets the first Wednesday of each month, with adjustments for holidays, 7–7:45 p.mRegister here.
  • Small Steps Together. For MoCo parents/caregivers of autistic elementary or preschool students. Meets the fourth Monday of each month, with adjustments for holidays, 7–7:45 p.m. Register here.
  • Let’s Talk Transitions. For MoCo parents/guardians of an autistic child in middle or high school, approaching the transition to adulthood. Meets the fourth Wednesday of every month, with adjustments for holidays, 7–7:45 p.m. Register here.
  • Lunchtime Reboot. Come pamper yourself! Certified mindfulness teacher and parent coach, Magüi Moreno, will share simple and realistic self-care practices specifically designed for parents of autistic children. Meets the fourth Monday of every month, with adjustments for holidays, 12-12:45 p.m. Register here.

In Person Meetup

  • Playground Meetup in the spring, summer and fall. Open Gym Meetup in the winter. For MoCo families with an autistic elementary or preschool age child. Siblings are welcome. In warm seasons we meet at the playground behind Ivymount School. Sunday afternoon meetups from 2-3:30 p.m. in April and May. Starting in  June, we're meeting on the third Saturday of every month, 10–11:30 a.m. Registration is not required, but if you would like, you can register here to receive email reminders and notice of postponement due to the weather.

Take a break from your busy schedule! Take this opportunity to chat, connect, and share experiences with other parents raising an autistic student in MoCo. 

Note: Meeting dates will be adjusted as needed for holidays. Please check the xMinds events calendar or the registration links above for upcoming dates.

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