xMinds events, resources, and memberships are always FREE

xMinds Logo - xMinds in teal and dark blue where the X looks like a person with an orange head; followed by the words Partnership for Extraordinary MindsImproving education for autistic students in Montgomery County, MD

xMinds Downloadable Handouts 

We have created this page to facilitate sharing information about xMinds events. Everyone is welcome to download and distribute our flyers. All our events are free, and we encourage as many people as possible to access them. These flyers are in pdf and jpg format and can be emailed, downloaded or printed. 

Flyers in English:

What Is xMinds? (PDF, JPG page 1, JPG, page 2

IEP Roadmap (PDF, JPG page 1, JPG page 2)

xMinds 5 Monthly Events: 4 Discussion Groups and Meetup 

Generic (PDF, JPG

September dates (PDF, JPG)

Small Steps Together (PDF, JPG) -- Discussion Group for parents/guardians of elementary and preschool students on the spectrum, September 23.

Let's Talk Transitions (PDF, JPG) -- Discussion Group for parents/guardians of middle and high school students on the spectrum, September 25.

People of The Global Majority (PDF, JPG) -- Discussion Group for parents/guardians of BIPOC students on the spectrum. September 9.

Playground Meetup  (PDFJPG)  --  Meet other parents of autistic elementary and preschool kids, September 21.

Flyers in Spanish: 

¿Qué es xMinds (PDF, JPG page 1, JPG page 2) -- What is xMinds?

Hablemos Educación Especial -- Grupo de Discusión de Padres Discussion (PDF, JPG) -- el 2 de octubre

Encuentro en el Parque (PDF, JPG) -- Acompáñenos para conocer a otros padres y cuidadores de niños y niñas en el espectro autista, preescolares y de primaria, el 21 de septiembre. 

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